Thursday, July 30, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different

So even though this was intended to be primarily a Geology related blog, I've decided to post about something completely unrelated in a late night caffeine fueled rant (and hopefully get some more views).
As some may know, I'm a fairly successful seller on Ebay. I have been selling since I was 18 and working hard to build a good reputation with my customers. The not so brilliant minds behind the corporation have also been working hard to undermine small time sellers like myself with weird, useless, and expensive changes to the listing policies. Aside from only giving good visibility in search results to sellers who ALREADY have high volume sales and don't need it, now Ebay is taking away optional shipping insurance. Sellers are now REQUIRED to pay for the insurance instead of leaving it up to the buyer (and out of the 300+ transactions that I've been a part of, maybe 12 of them have involved purchasing shipping insurance). Ebay's answer to this: just raise your shipping costs or start your items higher. Well, geniuses, buyers already complain about shipping costs even when they're well under the true cost, and if people start their items higher then less people will bid on them. Once again, only large scale businesses can absorb these extra costs. Thanks a lot, Ebay, eventually only large businesses will be able to sell and Ebay will become another
I'm going to do some skillful cross promoting here - this links to my Ebay My World page if anyone's interested to see what I'm selling (changes weekly of course)

Just to tie this into geology, here's a nice picture of some rock from my Petrology trip in May. (fault shatter zone in Maine with some feet for scale bars)

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